Law firm

Naše služby nejsou jen o právu. Jsme opravdovými právními poradci v situacích, kde nás potřebujete nejvíce. Zájmy klientů máme na prvním místě a staráme se to, aby námi poskytnuté právní služby byly odvedeny k jejich celkové spokojenosti. Dáváme klientům svobodu a prostor k uskutečnění záměrů a staráme se o to, aby se nevystavili zbytečným rizikům. Podporujeme kreativní myšlení a pomáháme začínajícím podnikatelům (start-upům) překonat meze i překážky na cestě k dosažení vrcholu. Radíme podnikům při řešení běžných provozních záležitostí, ale i v situacích, kdy se chtějí skutečně posunou a vystoupit ze své komfortní zóny.


appropriate connection between legal consulting and economic overview enables our clients to achieve desired results. The basis of our success is the close cooperation and shared goals that we want to achieve. We enrich the perspectives of business partners with professional insight and identify future risks. Clients appreciate the internal logic and economic-legal approach. Mere processing of the given task is not the way of providence top legal service. We really share the goal to take your business or interests one step further thank to our legal advice. The measure of a job well done is the total benefit that our service has brought to clients. Our guidance will help you understand that that working with a law firm to solve your legal problems is the right choice.

The essential principle of our law firm is to provide legal advice as a service that we would wish to receive ourselves if we were not lawyers. The idea is to create a free environment in which clients are not afraid to seek advice or information in the often unpleasant area of legal obligations. The law firm shall represent a beacon of hope for the creative minds, original authors, and dreamers that we feel ourselves to be. Shared visions unite and shape us at the same time. We strive to be a driving force for people who are not afraid to step out of line, solve challenges and touch the stars. Our thanks also go to our clients in this regard. You are an incredible inspiration to us. Part of the story of the law firm is not only our merits, but also common visions, goals, sorrows, and joys that we share and experience together with our clients every day. Together, we are constantly moving, shaping, and overcoming obstacles that may appear on our common path.

We are a Shoptet partner

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