Legal advice and tips for clients

Náhledový obrázek
Real estate purchase agreement
- Ladislav Šmarda
Prior to signing real estate purchase agreement in Czech Republic, make sure you fulfill all necessary legal requirements. The real estate purchase agreement must be in writing with notarized signatures. Be sure to place the signatures on the same page of the contract. It is crucial to include all the negotiated terms in the real estate sale contract. Failing to do so could weaken your position and/or invalid th
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Náhledový obrázek
Real estate pre-purchase
- Ladislav Šmarda
The first step in the entire process is the evaluation of the property and subsequently finding a prospective buyer. As a seller, consider whether you will look for a buyer yourself (e.g., among family members and acquaintances) or entrust the sale to a professional, such as a real estate agent.
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